The Public Health Commission is open to all Alameda County residents who are supportive of the improvement of the health and well-being of all residents living in Alameda County. New Commissioners shall be recruited through an extensive outreach process, taking into consideration the Commission's strong commitment to ethnic and geographic diversity.
The mission of the Public Health Commission shall be to review and assess emerging health needs; initiate and improve health and disease prevention programs and policies; make recommendations regarding opportunities for building community capacity as related to public health priorities; and advocate for adequate resources and increased County action to improve community health.
The purpose of the Public Health Commission is to:
Assess emerging health needs and implications for public health policies and programs in Alameda County.
Act as an advocate for the prevention of disease and the promotion of good health.
Provide opportunities for the exchange of information between the members of the community and the Alameda County Public Health Department and serve as a conduit of information for the constituency each member represents.
Develop and maintain effective relationships with the Board of Supervisors, Alameda County Public Health Department and Health Care Services Agency, with other public health related departments and agencies, and other elected Boards and Commissions.
Make recommendations regarding opportunities for building community capacity related to priority public health issues.
Provide an annual report to the Board of Supervisors of its activities and make recommendations about community public health needs.
Review, study, and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on the Public Health Department budget.
Perform such other public health related services which may be requested by the Board of Supervisors or the Public Health Department.

For more information on the Public Health Commission, please contact the Commission Staff at phcommission@gmail.com or (510) 268-7353.
For more information on the Board of Supervisors, visit http://www.acgov.org/board/.